Blog Archives
Everything is Gonna Be Alright
WordsDesignLove on Etsy I’m an October Bride. I don’t know what I’m “ahead” or “behind” on, but I know this: We have a place, we have food and drinks, we have an officiant, and we just sent out cards to … Continue reading
Traditions: Plan or Pass
In my last post about wedding activities, I mentioned that Mr. Rooster and I will probably be skipping some of the usual wedding traditions, like tossing the bouquet and cutting the cake. I thought it would be a good idea … Continue reading
Games, Dancing and (Domo Arigato) Mr. Roboto
Our brewery venue is big and open, and as a result, everything’s happening somewhat in the same place on our wedding day. We’ll hold a ceremony on the patio, then immediately open up the connected tasting room (they share an … Continue reading
What the Men Might Wear
Mr. Rooster is a great dresser. He dresses up for work every day (suiting up occasionally) and has a crazy obsession with neckties and cufflinks. I always thought he would have a strong opinion about what he and our groomsmen … Continue reading
How to Find and Buy Vintage Stamps
One of my favorite parts of wedding planning has been designing and putting together our Save-the-Dates. Our whole philosophy about throwing this big fete was to make sure our friends and family have a good time. It’s why we decided … Continue reading